이 문서에서는 주문을 처리 완료한 후에 해당 주문에 대해 언제 지불을 받는지 확인하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.
Wish 판매자 대시보드에서 다음을 확인할 수 있습니다.
- 지불될 금액
- 배송됨으로 표시된 날짜
- 추적 번호
- 추적 번호에 의해 배송된 것으로 확인되었는지 여부
- 지불 자격이 있는지 여부
- 다음 예정 지불 날짜
- 이 거래에 대해 지불 받는 날짜
주문 내역 보기
Login to the Wish Merchant Dashboard and go to Orders > History from the top nav bar. This will take you to http://merchant.wish.com/transactions/history:
On this view, you can see the payment status for all your orders. As you can see in the screenshot above, some orders are not eligible for payment ("will not be paid") and some orders will be paid in the future, depending on when Wish was able to confirm the provided tracking ID and when the next scheduled payment date will be.
계정 잔금 확인
You can also keep track of your pending and future payments on the Wish Merchant Dashboard. Go to Account > Account Balance from the top nav bar, and this will take you to http://merchant.wish.com/account-balance:
Your current balance is the amount that you will be paid on your next scheduled payment date. Your pending balance represents the amount that may become eligible for payment. The pending balance comes from the orders you have marked shipped but whose tracking information has not yet been confirmed delivery.
For more information on payment eligibility, click here.
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