Products must meet a promotion type’s eligibility requirements to be included in that promotion, and products that do not meet the requirements are rejected from the promotion. Therefore, it is advised to familiarize yourself with the eligibility requirements for each promotion type prior to submitting a promotion. (We also strongly advise that you review the Merchant Policy, Product Promotion, for a clear understanding of promotion changes that are allowed.)
Promotion Requirements
Discount |
Flash Sale | Event | |
Product Rating | More than 3 stars | More than 4 stars | Not applicable |
Promotion History | The product must not have participated in the same Discount (same country/countries and at the same discount %) within the last 5 calendar days. | The product must not have participated in the same Flash Sale (same country/countries and at the same discount %) within the last 5 calendar days. | Not applicable; if products included within an Event are in an existing promotion that contains overlapping dates, that promotion will be ended by Wish to be included in the Event. |
Inventory | Must have at least 1 in stock. | Must allocate at least 10% of current inventory (i.e., inventory at the time the promotion is created) or a quantity of 1, whichever is higher. | Must have at least 1 in stock. |
Variations |
Any Discount product with variations must include at least 60% of its variations in the Discount. Variations of a Discount product must be listed for sale on Wish's platform for at least 15 calendar days. |
Any Flash Sale product with variations must include all of its variations in the Flash Sale. Variations of a Flash Sale product must be listed for sale on Wish's platform for at least 15 calendar days. |
Any products with variations must include at least 60% of its variations to be enrolled in an Event. |
Discount | 5 - 80% | 15 - 80% | At least 15% (varies per Event) |
The % discount applies to the total price (product price + shipping price). See Set % Discount(s) to learn more. |
Other Requirements | Products may NOT be in a Restricted Category (Merchant Dashboard > Products > Product Authorizations > Restricted Product Categories). | ||
Prohibited products are excluded from any/all promotions. | |||
Merchants may not exceed 4,000 SKUs (variations) per MID in promotions at any given time. | |||
Promoted product listings may not be altered once a product is submitted for a promotion and until completion of that promotion. This includes product titles, descriptions, and images as well as adding new variations (see Merchant Policy Product Promotion). |
Rejection Reasons
As noted above, when a product does not meet eligibility requirements, it is rejected. How and when those rejections are displayed depends on how you use the tool to submit your promotion:
Merchant Promotions Platform displays a rejection alert — prior to submitting the promotion — with a pop-up box at the product level.
CSV file or ERP API displays a rejection alert when a promotion comes back as “Rejected,” which means at least one product in the promotion no longer meets eligibility requirements.
Regardless of tool, a reason is given so you can either fix the error (as noted by the Merchant Promotions Platform error message) or restart the campaign without the rejected products. To do the latter:
Click on the ellipses (three dots) next to the “Rejected” status.
Choose View promotion details, which opens to all campaign products.
Click Restart Promotion Without Rejected Products.
Note: Throughout a promotion lifecycle, the platform conducts eligibility checks, which in turn could reject a product if it is found to be ineligible. |
What follows is a list of rejected reasons that the Merchant Promotions Platform generates:
- ^INVALID_ID^: Invalid or nonexistent product or variation ID.
^NOT_IN_STOCK^: Product out of stock.
^UNITY_PRODUCT^: Products in the shipping unification initiative are ineligible for promotions.
^LOW_RATING^: Product rating is too low (minimum of 3 for Discount promotions or 4 for Flash Sale promotions).
^DISCOUNT_PRICE_HISTORY^ (previously ^PRODUCT_PRICE^): Discounted product price must be lower than the lowest price in the product's history for the past 30 calendar days.
^PRODUCT_CATEGORY^: Some product categories are ineligible for the promotion type.
- ^PROMOTION_HISTORY^ (previously ^PROMOTION_LIMIT^): Products cannot enroll in a promotion of the same type (e.g., Discount, Flash Sale) within 5 calendar days after a previous promotion ends.
^COMPETING_PROMOTION^ (previously ^PROMOTION_LIMIT^): Products cannot be in two or more promotions running at the same time.
A minimum of 60% of a product's variations should be included for a Discount promotion type.
A minimum of 100% of a product’s variations should be included for a Flash Sale promotion type.
^VARIATION_INVENTORY^ (previously ^DEALS_QUANTITY^): A certain percent of variation inventory should be included in the promotion:
Discount: A minimum of 1
Flash Sale: A minimum of 10% of each variation inventory, or quantity of 1 (whichever number is higher)
A minimum of 1 if a Discount Event
A minimum of 10% of each variation inventory, or quantity of 1 (whichever number is higher) if a Flash Sale Event
^VARIATION_PRICING^: Variations' discounts have a steep difference, with most discounts at the lower end of the range.
^PRODUCT_LISTED_DAYS^: Product must be listed on the platform more than 30 calendar days, and variation(s) must be listed on the platform more than 15 calendar days.
^MERCHANT_ELIGIBILITY^: Merchant is not eligible to participate in the promotions platform.
^FRS_LOW_DISCOUNT^: After flat rate shipping is applied, the customer’s discount is lower than 5%; to fix, the merchant must increase the discount.
^FRS_HIGH_DISCOUNT^: After flat rate shipping is applied, the customer’s discount is higher than 90%; to fix, the merchant must decrease the discount.
^FRS_DISCOUNT_PRICE^: The flat rate shipping rate is greater than the customer’s total price for this item after discount; to fix, the merchant must decrease the discount.
^FRS_NEGATIVE_PRICE^: After flat rate shipping is applied, the promotion discount results in a negative return on the product price; to fix, the merchant must decrease the discount percentage.
For example: ($2.00 product price + 50% discount) - $2.99 flat rate shipping = -$1.99
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