Over the years at Wish, fashion has consistently dominated as a top-selling product category. For many customers, the fashion product category is often their first exposure to Wish, and products in this category have continued to be a major draw for our platform.
To capitalize on the popularity of our fashion product category, and continue focusing our efforts into areas with an optimal return, we have launched a customer-facing revamped “Wish Fashion” experience on the Wish app. As a result, select merchants now have the opportunity to benefit from potentially increased sales by adding women's clothing products to the Wish Fashion experience.
In this article (click on a topic to be taken to that particular section):
1. What is the Wish Fashion experience?
2. How does a merchant benefit from adding products to the Wish Fashion experience?
3. What are the requirements for a product to qualify for the Wish Fashion experience?
4. How to add relevant products for the Wish Fashion experience via API?
5. How to add relevant products to the Wish Fashion experience via CSV?
6. How to add relevant products to the Wish Fashion experience via Merchant Dashboard?
7. What are the guidelines for Wish Fashion experience product listing images?
1. What is the Wish Fashion experience?
Currently, the Wish Fashion experience showcases the best of women's clothing products to customers and helps them better discover these products. See below for a walkthrough of the primary customer-facing* features:
1. Homepage:
Customers can enter the new women's clothing category page by clicking the “Women's clothing" category GIF on the revamped Wish homepage, or clicking “View all categories” to access the same women's clothing category GIF. Customers may also enter through the large Wish Fashion banner on the homepage.
2. Landing Page and Subcategory Navigation:
Arriving at the revamped women's clothing landing page, customers can scroll through the “Shop by category” carousel and select the specific women's clothing subcategory they want to shop.
They may also click the “All” icon to view a separate page listing the various women's clothing subcategories.
3. Product Feed:
Customers may scroll down within the selected women's clothing subcategory page to view a revamped product feed. This product feed enables customers to filter and sort products by various criteria, and see color choices for individual products.
4. Product Details Page:
On the revamped Details page of relevant Wish Fashion experience products, customers will see new features including inline color and sizing options, and a dedicated link to the product’s size guide.
*The Wish Fashion experience is available to all Wish Android and iOS app users.
2. How does a merchant benefit from adding products to the Wish Fashion experience?
Merchants selling women's clothing products within the Wish Fashion experience have the opportunity to benefit from these products being highlighted to customers in the Wish app (seen above) through the revamped shopping experience and new app features (now available).
As Wish Fashion expands to more users, Wish will continue to release several widespread communications to customers to further publicize this experience.
3. What are the requirements for a product to qualify for the Wish Fashion experience?
To qualify relevant women's clothing products for this experience, merchants must add new products or update existing products that satisfy specific requirements (listed in the table below). This can be done via API, CSV, or Merchant Dashboard.
We have provided a few essential resources that allow merchants to satisfy these requirements:
- The Wish Fashion resources page, containing:
- A table listing all women’s clothing subcategories and corresponding IDs.
- A sample API request demonstrating how to add a product to the Wish Fashion experience using the POST /api/v3/products endpoint.
- The following API endpoints, allowing merchants to pull relevant Wish Fashion experience information (see more details in “4. How to add relevant products to the Wish Fashion experience via API?” below):
- The Categories and Attributes page, which can be used to view relevant Wish Fashion experience attributes and generate a downloadable template for adding Wish Fashion products via CSV. See more details in “5. How to add relevant products to the Wish Fashion experience via CSV?” below.
See requirements below:
Wish Fashion Experience Requirement |
Description |
Women’s Clothing Subcategory ID |
The listing category for this product must be a subcategory within the women's clothing product category. The corresponding subcategory ID must be submitted when creating or updating a product via API or CSV. See a full list of women’s clothing subcategories and corresponding subcategory IDs, or use the GET /api/v3/products/categories API. |
Women’s Clothing Subcategory Attributes |
The listing must include all of the required women's clothing attributes for the specific subcategory. For a full list of women's clothing required attributes, use the GET /api/v3/products/categories API or Categories and Attributes page. |
Color/Primary Color |
Products must have both “Color” and “Primary Color” attributes provided when created or updated. Note that “Primary Color” is a women’s clothing-specific attribute, found using the GET /api/v3/products/categories API, Categories and Attributes page, or Add Products page. |
Standardized Size Values |
Products must have standardized size values per the accepted values for size GET /api/v3/products/categories API, Categories and Attributes page, or Add Products page for more details. |
Size Chart |
A size chart image must be included. API: In the “attributes” array (in the Create, Update, and Bulk Update Products v3 API endpoints), enter “Size Chart Image” in the “name” field, and fill the “value” field with the URL containing your size chart image. CSV: See the Categories and Attributes page for details on how to include this. Merchant Dashboard: See the Add Products page for details on how to include this. This single image should provide a chart with specific measurements and guidance related to the standardized size values for a product, in English. We also strongly recommend including a “How to measure” section in your size chart image that explains how a customer can measure themselves and/or their clothing to compare to your product sizing, also in English. This section is not required. See an example size chart image below, containing both the size chart and a “How to measure” section in a single image: |
Merchants may add attributes to qualify products for the Wish Fashion experience via API, CSV, or Merchant Dashboard. See the below sections for a walkthrough of each method.
Note for ERPs: The GET /api/v3/merchant/settings endpoint may be used to check if a merchant has access to the Wish Fashion experience, using the “fashion_experience” field. This field will return a response of either “ENABLED” or “DISABLED” - adjust operations accordingly based on this.
4. How to add relevant products to the Wish Fashion experience via API?
1). Open the Wish Fashion Resources page. From here, identify the relevant subcategory for your product from our women's clothing subcategory table. In this example, you will add a sweatshirt, so find the Women's Clothing > Active & Loungewear > Hoodies & Sweatshirts category within the table, and grab the corresponding Subcategory ID, 6029. See a relevant portion of the table below.
Subcategory ID |
Women's Clothing Subcategory |
6086 |
Women's Clothing > Active & Loungewear > Active Sets |
6029 |
Women's Clothing > Active & Loungewear > Hoodies & Sweatshirts |
6079 |
Women's Clothing > Active & Loungewear > Jackets |
6084 |
Women's Clothing > Active & Loungewear > Leggings |
Alternatively, use the GET /api/v3/products/categories API endpoint, and identity the relevant subcategory for your product. Look for “Hoodies & Sweatshirts” in the relevant “name” field, and find the corresponding “category_ID”, 6029.
2). To view all attributes for each women's clothing subcategory and the corresponding accepted values for each attribute, use the GET /api/v3/products/attributes API endpoint, and input the category ID, 6029.
In the response, attributes for each subcategory will show in the “usage” field as either “REQUIRED", “RECOMMENDED”, or “OPTIONAL”. Note that in this case, “REQUIRED” means that this attribute is necessary for the product to be considered part of the Wish Fashion experience, not necessarily that the attribute is required for the product to be active on the Wish platform. Merchants are strongly encouraged to include all applicable product attributes, as detailed product listings provide important context for customers and may lead to more sales.
3). In the same response field of the GET /api/v3/products/attributes API endpoint, look through the attribute list and find all of the “REQUIRED” and “RECOMMENDED” attributes for the Hoodies & Sweatshirts subcategory. For each applicable attribute, grab the “name” and “accepted_values”.
4). Now that you have the “id”, “name”, and “accepted_values” for your relevant attributes, set these attributes for your sweatshirt product via API. The following API endpoints can be used to create, update, or get products with required Wish Fashion attributes:
- POST /api/v3/products
- PUT /api/v3/products/{id}
- POST /api/v3/products/bulk_update
- GET /api/v3/products/{id}
- POST /api/v3/products/bulk_get
- POST /api/v3/products/bulk_update
In this case, you are adding a new product, so you will use POST /api/v3/products. Within this endpoint, fill the “subcategory_id” field, and “name” and “value” fields within the “attributes” array, from our relevant APIs:
- For the “subcategory_id” field, input the relevant “id” for the relevant women’s clothing subcategory. In this case, we can input "6029”, as we are adding a sweatshirt product.
- For the “name” field, input the relevant “name” for the relevant subcategory attribute. In this example, we can input “Season”.
- For the “value” field, input the relevant value from “accepted_values” for the relevant subcategory attribute. As an example accepted value for the “Season” attribute, we can input “Spring”.
At this point, you must also add your size chart image. To do so, in the “attributes” array, enter “Size Chart Image” in the “name” field, and fill the “value” field with the URL containing your size chart image. Confirm that the other attributes highlighted in our requirements table are also accounted for.
See a sample API request demonstrating how to add a product to the Wish Fashion experience using the POST /api/v3/products endpoint here.
5). After successfully submitting the API request, you can confirm if the product has officially joined the Wish Fashion experience by calling the GET /api/v3/products/{id} endpoint approximately 24 hours after uploading or updating a product, and checking that the “category_experience_eligibility” field returns the “true” response.
5. How to add relevant products to the Wish Fashion experience via CSV?
1). Open the Categories and Attributes page. In this example, you will add a sweatshirt, so enter Hoodies & Sweatshirts in the search bar, and select Women's Clothing > Active & Loungewear > Hoodies & Sweatshirts from the dropdown that appears. Alternatively, you may click through the category path table below the search bar.
2). Click the Download CSV Template button to generate a CSV containing all applicable product attributes as column headers.
3). Click the View Attributes button to view a table containing details on these attributes.
The Name column contains a list of attributes, which are populated as headers in your downloaded CSV template. The Accepted Values column contains a list of corresponding accepted values for each attribute. Attributes marked as Required (under the Usage Column) must be provided for the product to be considered part of the Wish Fashion experience.
4). Populate the attributes in your downloaded CSV template with corresponding Accepted Values. Merchants are strongly encouraged to include all applicable product attributes, as detailed product listings provide important context for customers and may lead to more sales.
5). Complete the CSV upload process via Products > Add/Edit Products with CSV. For detailed guidance on adding/editing products via CSV, click here.
6). You can confirm if a product has officially joined the Wish Fashion experience by downloading the product CSV via the View All Products page and checking that the Category Experience Eligibility column is TRUE for the product.
6. How to add relevant products to the Wish Fashion experience via Merchant Dashboard?
1). Open the Wish Fashion Resources page. From here, identify the relevant product category for your product from our women's clothing subcategory table. In this example, you will add a sweatshirt, so find the Women's Clothing > Active & Loungewear > Hoodies & Sweatshirts category within the table.
2). If you are adding a new product, navigate to Products > Add New Product. If you are editing an existing product, click Edit Listing in the dropdown under the action column for the product in Products > View All Products.
3). Under the Product Category module, search for the women’s clothing subcategory that your product falls under.
In this case, you will search for Hoodies & Sweatshirts. Select Women's Clothing > Active & Loungewear > Hoodies & Sweatshirts from the dropdown that appears, and click Apply.
4). Fill in all applicable attributes under the Category Attributes module, and add a size chart image.
5). In the Variations section, add in all applicable product information for each variation. After, click the View Color List button, and match your product Colors to Wish Primary Colors (and a Print, if applicable). Then, click the View Variation Attributes button, and add all applicable attributes for the variation. These attributes will be determined based on your selected product category.
6). Proceed with filling in all other applicable product information as normal.
7). Click Save in the top right to proceed. You can confirm if a product has officially joined the Wish Fashion experience by downloading the product CSV via the View All Products page and checking that the Category Experience Eligibility column is TRUE for the product.
7. What are the guidelines for Wish Fashion experience product listing images?
As an essential component of Wish Fashion product listings, compelling product images are the first thing to grab the attention of customers. When uploading Wish Fashion product listing images, ensure the following technical requirements are met:
- Image is a JPEG, PNG, and GIF
- Image size is at least 500x500 pixels
- Image resolution is at least 72 dpi
- Main image is provided
- Size chart image is provided
- Variation images are provided
From a content standpoint, images must be clear, trustworthy, and inoffensive. See the below guidelines to ensure your images are aligned with each of these points.
1. Clear:
- Focus on or isolate the product so that it is identifiable at first glance
- The main image must only contain one product, unless a group of products are being sold together.
- Images of the product in different colors must be included as alternate images.
- The main image must only contain additional objects if it is absolutely necessary to explain the value of the product. Even still, additional objects must be kept to a minimum and it must be absolutely clear what product is being sold.
- Keep backgrounds clean with minimal or no detail
- Main images must have pure white backgrounds, while alternate images that show products in use do not need to comply with this guideline.
- Ensure images are bright and high-resolution
- Products must be in focus and well-lit, with realistic and accurate colors.
- Avoid stitching together multiple images or adding inset images and graphics
- Collages are not allowed; simply upload additional images as permitted.
- Zoomed-in / close-up images of products to show detail can be presented as additional alternate images.
- Graphics, such as badges and certifications, can be included in alternate images but must be used in moderation.
- Avoid any and all use of text and logos
- Superimposed text and logos are not allowed on images.
2. Trustworthy:
- Original images only
- If the image almost matches an existing image sold by another merchant on our site, it will be flagged and potentially removed.
- Limited image modification only
- Small retouches such as enhancing exposure or using instant alpha are acceptable, but modifying images by placing products in mock environments, changing colors, or exaggerating the impact of a product is inappropriate and erodes trust. Parts of images, such as faces, must not be blurred.
- Real-world photography only
- No illustrations, drawings, or digital simulations can replace an actual photograph. Images must be completely accurate and depict exactly what the customer will receive in an order.
- Show or signal product scale
- Use an alternate image to help the user understand the size and proportion of the product, and include size details in product name and description.
3. Inoffensive:
- Extraneous profanity on product images is prohibited
- Some of our products contain profanity as a central feature - no additional use of profanity is allowed on the product image itself. Such products are set behind a mature content wall and only shown after asking permission.
- Violent content is prohibited
- This includes violence against humans and animals (including imagery, text, and symbols) as well as products that inspire or enable violence. Some products are exceptions, such as those used to control pests, but they still must not show explicit imagery.
- Imagery that encourages or includes prejudice or discrimination is not allowed.
- Explicit medical treatment imagery is prohibited
- Explicit imagery of disorders, conditions, and other medical issues are expressly prohibited.
- Pornographic content is prohibited
- Any imagery, text, or graphic that can be interpreted as salacious or vulgar is forbidden. If the product is related to sexual health, all models must be fully clothed, and the image can be suggestive but not risqué. No erotic set-up should be displayed (e.g., simulated intercourse, sex toys in use, etc.).
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