The terms “knockoffs” and “counterfeit” often are used interchangeably, but they are not the same things.
Counterfeit products are designed to resemble authentic products. Visually, counterfeit goods may look almost identical to the original authentic products, but often are made from low-quality materials. Counterfeit goods involve the unauthorized use of the intellectual property of a brand owner by using the brand owner’s trademarks to deceive consumers into believing they have purchased a genuine product.
On the other hand, a knockoff can resemble a branded, authentic product, but generally will not be identical to it. Knockoff products do not contain identical trademarks or logos of the original product. For example, knockoff items may have misspellings of the brand name on the product and consumers may understand that they are not buying an authentic product.
Example 1: A counterfeit Rolex visually mimics an authentic Rolex, as it has a brand name and logo on the product. A knockoff Rolex has a nearly identical design, but doesn’t have a trademark or logo on the product.
Authentic Rolex |
Counterfeit Rolex |
Knockoff Rolex |
Official Product Link:
Example 2: Misspelled branded products. COCO CHANEL spelled as GOGO CHENALE
Authentic COCO CHANEL |
Knockoff CHANEL (misspelled) |
Official Product Link:
Example 3: Knockoff Nike shoe mimics authentic Nike shoe design; it also uses a logo that is similar to a Nike swoosh, but a court may not see it as identical.
Authentic Nike |
Knockoff Nike |
Official Product Link:
Selling counterfeit, fake, and/or knockoff products is not allowed on Wish. Wish has a strict policy against intellectual property infringement. Click here to learn about the consequences of violating the intellectual property rights of others.
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