The Wish Standards Performance Dashboard offers merchants in-depth, holistic store performance data.
What follows is a walkthrough of the Wish Standards Performance Dashboard to help you better understand the metrics behind the ratings, and how you might use the information to help your business.
By improving performance in all aspects (e.g., customer ratings, confirmed fulfillment speed, compliance with Wish policies, or other criteria related to merchant performance), staying infraction free, and sustaining high-quality performance over time, you may potentially raise your Wish Standards tier (or maintain your Platinum tier).
In this article (click on a topic to be taken to that particular section):
Get Started
Log in to Merchant Dashboard, go to the navigation in the top left corner and follow the path Performance > Wish Standards. The page opens to Performance Overview and defaults to the Wish Standards tab.
Performance Overview
Each section within the Performance Overview offers you different, valuable information that may help you better refine your operations.
This section provides a quick look at performance with a few key takeaways:
Your Tier
Wish Standards uses a tier system based on performance, which is as follows (in order of highest to lowest tier):
Learn more about tier details, below. If a tier is replaced by “Unrated,” “Deactivated,” or “At Risk,” see Troubleshooting for more information.
- Update Schedule
Tiers update monthly, and dates are displayed in the merchant’s local time zone.
Note: One exception to the monthly update schedule is if there’s an issued or reversed infraction that results in the leveling up or down of your tier. If this happens, then your tier will update within a couple of business days.
In-between tier updates, merchants may choose to do the following:
- Platinum tier should review all data within the Performance Overview page and make sure you are on track to maintain their Platinum status.
- Gold, Silver, and Bronze tiers should take note of the “Next scheduled tier update” as there may be time to make adjustments that could potentially help you begin to level up your current tier. (This is where you will need to dig deeper into additional Performance Overview data, so continue reading.)
- Matured Orders
This is an important metric, as it is a qualifier for participation (to join and remain) in Wish Standards' tier updates and to maintain/attain the Platinum tier.
An order is considered a “Matured order” when Wish determines that enough time has elapsed for an accurate assessment of fulfillment status and customer satisfaction. Order maturity time may differ from order to order.
Some strategic ways to look at this data include:
Platinum tier - Check that you are on track to remain at or above 50 matured orders or $1,000 in gross merchandise value (GMV) in 30 calendar days so as to maintain your Platinum tier.
Gold, Silver & Bronze tiers - Look at matured orders in 90 days to make sure you are on track to maintain the required 30 matured orders in 90 calendar days. If meeting the required 30 matured orders, then look at matured orders in 30 days to determine if/what action can be taken to try and close that gap to reach the Platinum tier requirement of 50 orders or $1,000 in GMV in 30 days. Review your opportunities to grow orders and implement a strategy (see the different options/approaches that may help, below).
- Unrated tier - Look at matured orders in 90 days to see what is needed to meet the required 30 matured orders in 90 (calendar) days to qualify for Wish Standards.
There are different options/approaches that may help increase matured orders, and the decision of which option(s) to try depends on your specific circumstances (i.e., business, goals, customer base, current performance metrics, etc.):
- Merchant Promotions Platform (available to Platinum, Gold, and Silver tier merchants) offers promotion tools that promote % discounted products in the Deals section of Wish.
- ProductBoost advertising (available to all merchants and ideal for new merchants) can help increase sales of existing products, kickstart sales of new products, and encourage customer engagement as boosted products move up within product rankings.
- Note: ProductBoost offers powerful campaign product-level data insights, such as click-through and orders for conversion, that can further help assess areas of improvement.
- Review your Wish Standards’ Performance Metrics (see below) as most of these metrics have a direct impact on orders.
- Review your Wish Standards’ Infractions (if applicable; see below) as many are often within a merchant's control to resolve/improve.
Performance Metrics
Your Wish Standards' tier is influenced by multiple metrics, including but not limited to the metrics mentioned below. This section details how to read these metrics and how they are calculated.
- Issues with Wish-managed logistics solutions (e.g., Advanced Logistics Program) that negatively impact a merchant's metrics are adjusted in the final tier rating. Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance can exempt merchants’ Advanced Logistics Program orders that meet certain requirements from the calculation of Logistics refund.
How to Read Performance Metrics
Each rating offers the following metric:
- "Today" - Your daily performance metric update, calculated on a rolling 90-day basis.
- "Last update" - Your performance metric values for the 90-day trailing window when your tier was last updated.
- "Goal" - The value of the respective performance metric that might qualify you to the next Wish Standards' tier.
- “View details” - Click for an in-depth view on how the metric is calculated and how it has changed historically. Metrics are updated daily in these views.
- Tip: Take note of the “Reasons” column (where present) to target issues and focus on what can be improved.
For specific date ranges, refer to the Wish Standards Performance Dashboard and the in-depth metric views.
The arrows indicate a positive or negative progression for each metric (comparing Today vs. Last update):
- Red downward arrows indicate worsening performance
- Green upward arrows indicate improving performance
Note: Some metrics improve when their performance metric decreases (e.g., Product quality refund and Logistics refund).
How Metrics are Calculated
- Average user rating - This is the average of your product ratings on matured orders. Note that Wish may exclude reviews and ratings that we feel violate our guidelines and policies.
- Order fulfillment rate - This is the percentage of your orders that are successfully fulfilled. Orders are not considered successfully fulfilled for any of the following reasons:
- Canceled by the merchant
- Not fulfilled within five calendar days (see the Merchant Policy, Fulfillment)
- Refunded by the merchant, for reasons unrelated to the customer, after the order is confirmed fulfilled
- Last tracking status is cancelled
- Product quality refund - This is the percentage of your orders refunded due to product quality. This metric is when you are responsible for the refund. Product quality reasons include but are not limited to the following:
- Product listing has missing product information or inaccurately describes the product
- Product is different from the listing (e.g., incorrect color)
- Wrong product is delivered (e.g., incorrect size, color, quantity, etc.)
- Product does not fit (e.g., apparel)
- Product was damaged or has missing parts/items
- Product does not function correctly or as defined in the product listing
- Product quality is poor or does not meet customer expectations (e.g., quality is lesser than it appears or is described in the product listing)
- Product is counterfeit
- Confirmed fulfillment speed - This is the average time it takes for your orders to be confirmed fulfilled. An order is confirmed fulfilled when the package receives its first tracking scan from the carrier.
- Valid tracking rate - This is the percentage of your marked “shipped” orders that are confirmed fulfilled with valid tracking. As noted above, an order is confirmed fulfilled when the package receives its first tracking scan from the carrier.
- Logistics refund - This is the percentage of your orders refunded when you are responsible for the refund and it is due to fulfillment-related reasons that include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Delivery of the product took too long or the product was never received by the customer
- Order was sent to the wrong address or the address entered by the merchant was invalid
- Item was returned by the shipping provider to the sender/merchant
- Shipping provider used is incompatible with the Wish fulfillment system
- Advanced Logistics Program orders (applicable to merchants shipping orders from Mainland China only) that are either overweight or oversize
- Order was held at customs
- Underperforming products - This measures the % of active products with low customer ratings and/or refunds.
The formula looks like this: Number of underperforming products ÷ number of products with orders.
- Low customer ratings, which means the product has less than three stars over a 90 calendar day evaluation,
- High refund rates for product quality, which means it exceeds category specific refund thresholds over the past 90 calendar days.
You can also view and fix this issue via the Merchant Dashboard > Policy Infractions and filter for “High Product Quality Refund Rate.”
Your Wish Standards' tier is also influenced by various types of infractions.
Infractions are often within a merchant’s control, so these are opportunities where you can use the data to improve and try to level up your tier rating.
A zero count and green check means there are no infractions.
If you have infractions, then the Infractions section shows the total number of Policy infractions and/or Fulfillment infractions, and lists each, starting with the highest number of infractions in that category, as shown below.
As noted earlier, if there’s an issued or reversed infraction that results in the leveling up or down of your tier, then your tier will update within a couple of business days. (This is the exception to the standard tier update schedule, which is monthly.)
Note: Infractions may not always result in a merchant’s tier to level down, just as a reversed infraction may not always result in a merchant's tier to level up.
Policy Infractions
Policy infractions can occur when you do not adhere to particular Wish merchant policies.
Policy infractions include:
- Misleading listings - Learn more about misleading listings in the Listing Products policy.
- Misleading tracking - Learn more about misleading tracking in the Fulfillment policy.
- Prohibited products - Learn more about prohibited products in the Listing Products policy.
Fulfillment Infractions
Fulfillment infractions occur when an order or product does not adhere to Wish Merchant Policy.
Fulfillment infractions include:
- Order cancellation - This is the number of order cancellation infractions over a 90-day period for the dates reflected on the dashboard. Orders that are canceled or refunded by the merchant prior to confirmed fulfillment are considered canceled. Learn more about order cancellation in the Merchant Policy, Order Cancellation Policy.
- Unfulfilled order - This is the number of orders in the past 90 days that have not been fulfilled by the merchant in 5 calendar days. Learn more about unfulfilled orders in the Merchant Policy, Fulfillment.
- Late confirmed fulfillment - This is the number of orders that are not confirmed fulfilled within the designated amount of time. Learn more about late confirmed fulfillment in the Merchant Policy, Fulfillment.
Tier Details
The higher the Wish Standards’ tier, the better the benefits:
- Impression boost - Platinum and Gold tier merchants’ products receive ranking preference on the Wish app and; this increases the likelihood of products appearing to customers and may result in a boost in impressions. As such, Bronze merchants’ products may see reduced impressions; Silver merchants may see little/no impact on product impressions.
- “Premier Merchant” badge and tag - Platinum and Gold tier merchants receive a “Premier Merchant” badge and tag that alerts customers on and the Wish app to a merchant’s superior customer service and product quality.
The badge and tag follows the merchant across the Wish app and (their store page, product pages, order emails, etc.), so customers can identify a “Premier Merchant” and shop with confidence. For examples of how the Premier Merchant badge and tag appear to customers, please refer to the Wish Standards' FAQs.
- Weekly payment cycles - Platinum tier merchants benefit from the Wish Standards Weekly Payment Program, subject to Payment Eligibility terms. This increases payment disbursement frequency every week rather than on the 1st and 15th of each month (which is the standard disbursement schedule). See the Wish Standards’ FAQs to learn more about the Wish Standards Weekly Payment Program benefit.
- Merchant Promotions Platform eligibility - Silver, Gold, and Platinum tier merchants may access the Merchant Promotions Platform to run various promotions (e.g., Flash Sale Event, Discount Event) at no cost. Promotion offerings help empower merchants in their efforts to improve sales, customer experience, buyer retention, and Wish Standards' ratings.
- Discounts on commission fees for select orders - Platinum and Gold tier merchants enjoy a % discount on the commission structures’ item value fee % (relative to Silver tier merchants).
- Higher free threshold amounts and lower Listing Fees (see Listing Fees FAQs) - The higher the tier, the higher the Free Listing Threshold and the lower the fees for any listings that exceed the Free Listing Threshold number.
- Advanced Logistics Refund Assurance - Platinum and Gold tier merchants (based in mainland China) qualify for the Advance Logistics Refund Assurance program, which helps mitigate the impact of refunds on Advanced Logistics Program orders, particularly if refunds are a result of issues or delays caused by the Advanced Logistics Program.
Customer Service
As the Performance Dashboard notes, customer service metrics are not calculated as part of your tier rating. However, this data is worth taking note of as it can impact other performance metrics as well as guide you towards a goal of improving customer experience.
For guidance on handling customer support tickets, please read the Help Center article, “Support Tickets FAQ."
Unrated Account
An Unrated assignment (rather than Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze tiers) occurs when a merchant is new to Wish and/or has less than 30 matured orders in 90 days.
At the top of the Performance Dashboard page, a banner displays the reason for an Unrated account under, “Why is my account not rated yet?” as exemplified below for a new merchant account.
IMPORTANT: As an “Unrated” merchant, be sure to check your Free Listing Threshold, as that will inform you of how many free product listings you can post and what the incurred fee is for exceeding that number. Be sure to read the Listing Fees FAQs to learn how Listing Fees work and what tools are available to help you manage both fees and product lists.
If you are a new merchant to Wish, you must do the following to be placed in a Wish Standards tier:
- Verify your store (learn how to verify your store (written for merchants based outside Mainland China and the European Economic Area))
- Reach 30 or more matured orders in 90 days
If you have been active on Wish, but have not reached 30 or more matured orders in 90 days, then you must meet that requirement to receive a tier rating.
When you meet the above requirements, Unrated is replaced with a tier.
At Risk Account
An At Risk assignment occurs when a merchant’s performance ratings fall below the Bronze tier criteria.
The At Risk assignment results in a merchant receiving reduced impressions, but it does not result in any additional impact to merchants. However, Wish reserves the right to modify the impacts of an At Risk assignment at any time, and Wish will provide merchants with advance notice of any such modifications.
If you are At Risk, you can find ways that may help performance by reviewing your Wish Standards dashboard to assess metrics labeled with an At Risk warning symbol.
Deactivated Account
Merchant accounts that are Deactivated (see screenshot below) are most often the result of an infraction, infringement, and/or poor metrics performance.
Deactivation means a merchant's products are no longer available on the Wish platform and a temporary withholding of payment disbursement is levied.
In the case you find your account deactivated, you may be able to dispute it via the Merchant Dashboard (find instructions in the article listed below), or reach out to your account manager for help.
Additional Help
For specific questions and answers, see the article, "Wish Standards' FAQs."
If you feel performance and fulfillment infractions may not be accurately measured, read how to dispute a Wish Standards' metric or infraction.
For more information on Wish’s policies around infringement and infractions, see the Merchant Terms of Service (specifically section 6, “Prohibited, Questionable and Infringing Items and Activities”, and section 13, “Breach”).
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