A carrier is either “qualified” or “unqualified” on Wish. To see which carriers are qualified to fulfill an order based on order criteria, please see our “Qualified Carriers” page.
Qualified Shipping Carrier Refund Policy
Merchants may not provide tracking numbers for orders shipped with unqualified carriers, and are responsible for the full cost of refunds for those orders, per Merchant Policy 7.18.
- A merchant ships an order on August 8, 2016 with an unqualified carrier.
- The order is refunded.
- The merchant is responsible for the full cost of the refund because of this policy.
- A merchant ships an order on August 8, 2016 with a qualified carrier.
- The order is refunded.
- This order will not be affected by this policy, but may have other refund responsibilities. See Merchant Policy 7 for more information.
- A merchant ships an order on August 15, 2016 with an unqualified carrier and will not be able to provide a tracking number.
- The order is refunded.
- The merchant is responsible for the full cost of the refund because of this policy.
- A merchant ships an order on August 15, 2016 with a qualified carrier.
- The order is refunded.
- This order will not be affected by this policy, but may have other refund responsibilities. See Merchant Policy 7 for more information.
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