Tax Settings has an export tax report feature that allows merchants to export tax reports for applicable transactions within an indicated date range. This export tax report feature will only include transactions where Wish estimated* the indirect tax remittance amounts for merchants’ configured jurisdictions in Tax Settings, with the exception of tax authorities where Wish is registered as a Marketplace and is collecting the appropriate tax. (*As of May 2019, estimated tax amount collection is only supported for U.S. jurisdictions.)
Merchants may also view the estimated indirect tax remittance amounts for applicable orders in their Order History, Order Details pages, and payment invoices.
Merchants are ultimately responsible for correctly identifying their filing obligations in the Tax Settings and ensuring their sales tax/VAT compliance obligations are met and returns are submitted accurately.
Tax reports will include all order/refunds data that occurred up to the report request date/time. For the most updated data, generate a tax report close to when you plan to use it.
How do I export tax reports?
1. Navigate to your account’s Tax Settings in your Merchant Dashboard
2. Click on “Export reports” under the “Tax Reports” section
3. Input a Start date and an End date. You can request to download tax reports for your transactions created within a certain date range, up to 60 days at a time.
This export tax report feature will only include transactions where Wish estimated* the indirect tax remittance amounts for merchants’ configured jurisdictions in Tax Settings, with the exception of tax authorities where Wish is registered as a Marketplace and is collecting the appropriate tax. (*As of May 2019, estimated tax amount collection is only supported for U.S. jurisdictions.)
4. Then, filter the countries you would like included in the report. Again, as of May 2019, estimated tax amount collection is only supported for U.S. jurisdictions.
5. After you click “Export reports” to submit the request, you should receive an email within 24 hours with the download link(s).
What are the definitions of the columns included in the export report file?
Column Name | Definition of Column |
Company Name |
Wish Merchant Name.
Transaction Date | The system date at the time the transaction was processed. |
Order ID | Wish Order ID |
Quantity | Number of item purchased |
Merchant Payment Currency | The currency that the merchant will receive payments in. |
Tax Amount (in Merchant Payment Currency) |
The tax amount converted to Merchant Payment Currency. This is the actual amount that the merchant will receive.
Local Currency Code | Local currency code of the tax authority, to whom the taxes are owed. |
Gross Amount Plus Tax Amount |
The sales price plus the tax charged to the customer for an item in Local Currency
Gross Amount | The sales price for an item in Local Currency |
Exempt Amount | The amount of gross not liable for this tax in Local Currency |
Taxable Basis |
The amount actually taxed by this authority: gross less basis percentage and other exempt amount in Local Currency
Tax Rate | The rate of taxation for the authority. |
Tax Amount |
The amount of tax owed to the authority in Local Currency. This is the actual amount owed to tax authorities.
Tax Authority Name | The name of the current authority for which data is being returned. |
Authority Type | The type of authority. See list of Authority Types below. |
Tax Type | The type of tax applied to a tax result. See list of Tax Types below. |
Taxable Country Code | Country abbreviation from the address that triggered this tax. |
Taxable Country | Country name from the address that triggered this tax. |
Taxable Province | Province from the address that triggered this tax. |
Taxable State | State from the address that triggered this tax. |
Taxable County | County from the address that triggered this tax. |
Taxable City | City from the address that triggered this tax. |
Taxable Postcode | Postcode from the address that triggered this tax. |
Customer Name | The customer's name. |
Ship To Country | Ship To address Country |
Ship To Province | Ship To address Province |
Ship To State | Ship To address State |
Ship To City | Ship To address City |
Ship To Postcode | Ship To address Postcode |
Credit Flag | Indicates whether the current transaction is a credit transaction. |
Description | Product description. |
Tax Paid to Merchant |
Indicates whether tax was paid in addition to standard merchant payment for product and shipping costs.
List of Authority Types
Authority Type Name | Description |
BMP | Brazil IVA |
CBT | China Business Tax |
CGST | Central Goods and Services Tax |
City Amusement | Amusement tax levied by a city |
City Fees | Fee levied by a city |
City Food/Beverage | Food and beverage taxes levied by a city |
City Rental | Rental taxes levied by a city |
City Sales/Use | Sales or use taxes levied by a city |
CLT | Client Paid Taxes |
COM | Company Paid Taxes |
Compensation Cess | Compensation Cess |
Consumption Tax | Consumption Tax |
County Amusement | Amusement tax levied by a county |
County Fees | Fee levied by a county |
County Food/Beverage | Food and beverage taxes levied by a county |
County Rental | Rental taxes levied by a county |
County Sales/Use | Sales or use taxes levied by a county |
CST | Central Sales Tax |
CSU | County Sales/Use Tax |
District Amusement | Amusement tax levied by a district |
District Fees | Fee levied by a district |
District Food/Beverage | Food and beverage taxes levied by a district |
District Rental | District rental taxes not applied by political boundaries |
District Sales/Use | District sales or use taxes not applied by political boundaries |
DPH | Dan z pridane hodnoty |
EEE | Electrical and Electronic Equipment Fee |
EXC | Excise tax |
EXC | Excise Tax |
FCP | Brazil FCP |
FCP-ST | Brazil FCP-ST |
FEE | Fees |
GCT | General Consumption Tax |
GIT | Gross Income Tax |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
HST | Harmonized Goods and Services Tax |
ICMS | Brazilian ICMS |
ICMS-CR | Immediate Credit on ICMS |
ICMS-PF | Brazil ICMS Trava PF Price |
ICMS-PMC | Brazil ICMS Pauta PMC Price |
ICMS-RD | Brazil ICMS-RD |
ICMS-ST | Brazil ICMS-ST |
ICMS-ST-CNAE | Brazil ICMS CNAE Basis Adjustment |
ICMS-ST-CNAE-IVA | Brazil ICMS CNAE IVA Basis Adjustment |
IGI | Indirect General Tax |
IGIC | Direccion General De Tributos (IGIC) |
IGST | Integrated Goods and Services Tax |
IGV | Impuesto General al Valor |
II | Brazil Importation Tax |
IMI | Indirect Merchandise Tax |
IPI | Brazilian IPI |
IPSI | Consejeria de Hacienda (IPSI) |
ISS | Brazilian ISS |
IST | India Services Tax |
ISV | Impuesto Sobre Ventas |
ITBIS | Impuesto a la Transferencias de Bienes Industrializados y Servicios |
Impuesto a la Transferencia de Bienes Corporales Muebles con Credito Fiscal
IVA | Servicio de Impuestos Internos |
KDV | Katma Deger Vergisi |
MOT | Mineral Oil Tax |
MOT | Mineral Oil Tax |
MRDT | Municipal and Regional District Tax |
MVA | Merverdiavgift |
MWST | Mehrwertsteuer |
NHIL | National Health Insurance Levy |
OMB | Omzetbelasting |
PCL | Private Copy Levy |
PDV | Porez na Dodanu Vrijednost |
PIS | Brazilian PIS |
PST | Provincial Goods and Services Tax |
PVM | Pridetines Vertes Mokestis |
QST | Quebec Provincial Goods and Service Tax |
SCT | Special Consumption Tax |
SGST | State Goods and Services Tax |
ST | Service Tax |
State Amusement | Amusement tax levied by a state |
State Fees | Fee levied by a state |
State Food/Beverage | Food and beverage taxes levied by a state |
State Rental | Rental taxes levied by a state |
State Sales/Use | Sales or use taxes levied by a state |
SUFRAMA | Brazil Free Trade Zone Tax |
SUT | Sales and Use Tax |
Telecom | Telecom |
THSBT | Thailand Specific Business Tax |
Tourism Tax | Tourism Tax |
Tourism Tax Additional | Additional Tourism Tax |
TT | Turnover Tax |
TVA | Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutee |
UTGST | Union Territory GST |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
List of Tax Types
US or International | Code | Description | Notes |
US | BO | Business and Occupation |
Tax imposed upon any entity engaging in a certain business, occupation, or activity for the privilege of engaging in that business, occupation, or activity within the jurisdiction.
US | CA | Custom Authority |
Not routinely used in standard content.
CA is returned for most Custom Authority transactions. If a transaction has two different Custom Authorities for the Ship From and Ship To locations, CA is returned for the Ship From authority and CA1 for the Ship To authority. |
US | CA1 | Custom Authority (1) | Not routinely used in standard content. |
US | CU | Consumer Use | Tax the buyer is liable for on a purchase. |
US | EXC | Excise | Not routinely used in standard content. |
US | GR | Gross Receipts |
Tax that applies to all of the receipts derived by a certain class of entity or from a particular activity occurring within the jurisdiction.
These taxes typically apply to all entities providing a particular type of service or to all revenue the entity derives from furnishing a specific service. For example, all telephone utilities or the revenue of a corporation providing telephone service. |
US | IC | Intra-Company |
Transaction that is outside the scope of VAT, but is allowed by some authorities when the registration numbers match. This tax type is returned when an intra-company transfer is allowed and evaluated to calculate tax.
US | IM | Import | Import into any country or authority. |
US | LT | License |
Tax imposed upon any entity engaging in a certain activity that requires a license from the jurisdiction, such as furnishing a utility service.
US | MVT | Movement | Not routinely used in standard content. |
US | NL | No Liability | No obligation of the business to collect or remit tax. |
US | RC | Reverse Charge |
The other party in the transaction (may be seller or buyer) is liable for tax. The tax burden shifts from one party to the other.
US | RU | Rental Use |
Tax for which the out of state seller is liable on a rental of TPP for 30 days or less.
US | RS | Rental | Tax for a rental of TPP for 30 days or less. |
US | S | Standard |
Standard tax is applicable. This tax type is not commonly used in the United States.
US | SA | Sales | Tax for which the seller is liable on a sale. |
US | SC | Surcharge |
Tax or fee typically assessed for a narrow purpose, such as to fund universal telephone service.
It can also refer to a tax or fee assessed in addition to other taxes or fees, such as the New York City MTA surcharge. |
US | STK | Stock | Not routinely used in standard content. |
US | SV | Service |
Tax imposed upon provision of a specific service.
These taxes typically apply generally to the provision of communications or telecommunications service to customers within the jurisdiction or to a particular subset of such services, such as commercial or wireless communications service. |
US | UN | Unregistered Seller | A tax block message indicates that the registration for the Seller is required. |
US | US | Use | Tax for which a seller from outside the buyer state is liable on a sale. |
US | UU | Utility Users |
Tax or fee generally imposed on the ultimate consumer of a telecommunications or utility service.
US | VG | VAT Groups |
A group registration is allowed in some authorities. This tax type is returned when a VAT Group registration is found and used to calculate tax.
US | ZE | Zero Rate Export |
Zero-rated exports leaving Puerto Rico, or zero-rated exports from outside Puerto Rico.
US | ZR | Zero Rate | Zero-rated item. Rule specifies rate of zero. |
International | AC | Acquisition |
EU specific. The buyer (usually) is liable for tax. This is a shift of the tax burden.
International | CA | Custom Authority | Not routinely used in standard content. |
International | CA1 | Custom Authority (1) | Not routinely used in standard content. |
International | DS | Distance Sale |
EU specific. Intra-EU, cross-border transaction where Seller collects tax in own country in the EU and monitors distance sale thresholds in Ship To country.
International | EC | EC Sales List Services |
EU specific. Intra-Community Supply of Services is subject to reverse charge and is required to be on the EC Sales List.
International | ER | Intra-EU Reverse Charge |
EU specific. The other party in the transaction (may be seller or buyer) is liable for tax. The tax burden shifts from one party to the other.
International | ES | Exported Service | Brazil only. Export of a service to an outside authority. |
International | EXC | Excise | Not routinely used in standard content. |
International | IC | Intra-Company |
Transaction that is outside the scope of VAT, but is allowed by some authorities when the registration numbers match. This tax type is returned when an intra-company transfer is allowed and evaluated to calculate tax.
International | IM | Import | Import into any country or authority. |
International | IR | International Reverse Charge |
EU specific. Suppliers are outside of the EU. The other party in the transaction (may be seller or buyer) is liable for tax. The tax burden shifts from one party to the other.
International | IS | Imported Services | Brazil only. Import of a service from outside the authority. |
International | MA | Markup Adjustment |
ICMS authority internal rate in the Ship To for Markup Adjustment Percentage. Brazil only.
International | MP | Markup Percentage | IVA authority. Tax substitution markup percentage. Brazil only. |
International | MVT | Movement | Not routinely used in standard content. |
International | NL | Not Liable | No obligation of the business to collect or remit tax. |
International | NR | Non-recoverable VAT | The buyer cannot recover this portion of the tax. |
International | RC | Reverse Charge |
The other party in the transaction (may be seller or buyer) is liable for tax. The tax burden shifts from one party to the other.
International | S | Standard | Standard tax is applicable. This tax type is used by multiple authorities. |
International | SA | Sales | Tax for which the seller is liable on a sale. |
International | SI | Standard Interstate | Brazil only. Standard rate for interstate goods transactions within Brazil. |
International | SN | Special Rate |
Special rate for south to north transactions. SN is returned for Brazilian Provincial Special Rates and Indian Provincial Rates for unregistered buyers.
International | STK | Stock | Not routinely used in standard content. |
International | TE | Taxable Export | Not routinely used in standard content. |
International | TR | Triangulation |
EU specific. Country specific triangulation rules apply in EU countries (part of the EU chain transaction logic). This tax type is returned when a transaction has qualified as a triangular transaction and should be reported as such.
International | UN | Unregistered Seller | A tax block message indicates that the registration for the seller is required. |
International | US | Use | Tax for which a seller from outside the buyer province is liable on a sale. |
International | VG | VAT Groups |
A group registration is allowed in some authorities. This tax type is returned when a VAT Group registration is found and used to calculate tax.
International | ZC | European Community Dispatch | EU specific. Zero-rated Intra-community exports within the EU. |
International | ZE | Zero Rate Export |
Zero-rated exports leaving the EU, or zero-rated exports from non-EU countries.
International | ZI | Zero Rate Import |
Zero-rated purchase of a supply. Currently only used in the India special economic zones (SEZ).
International | ZR | Zero Rate | Zero-rated item. Rule specifies rate of zero. |
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