Starting October 8, 2018, merchants may use the “Default Shipping Price” field to indicate default shipping prices for their product listings. If a product listing has any new or unset country shipping prices, the product’s “Default Shipping Price” will automatically apply as the shipping price for those new or unset countries.
This field is part of the variation level shipping deprecation, and will help merchants manage and set the country shipping prices in a more simplistic way.
What is Default Shipping Price?
If a product listing has any new or unset country shipping prices, the product’s “Default Shipping Price” will automatically apply as the shipping price for those new or unset countries.
If all country level shipping prices have been set, then the default shipping will not override these existing prices.
When adding a new country in merchant Shipping Settings page and use product shipping price, the product’s “default shipping price” will automatically apply as the country shipping price of that newly added country.
How to use Default Shipping Price via API:
When creating a product with the /product/add endpoint, the variable : shipping will be a required field to automatically update all country level shipping to that amount. The variable shipping will be equivalent to the Default Shipping Price definition.
If you wish to update the country level shipping thereafter, you can utilize the following endpoints:
How to use Default Shipping Price via CSV:
When adding a product using CSV, Default Shipping Price will be a required field to automatically update all country level shipping to that amount.
To learn more on how to add products via CSV, check out the link here.
If you wish to update the existing shipping prices via CSV, check out this link here.
How to use Default Shipping Manually:
When adding a product manually, Default Shipping Price will be a required field to automatically update all country level shipping to that amount.
To learn more about how to add a product manually, check out the link here.
To learn how to update shipping manually, check out the link here.
Example 1 - Edit Shipping Prices for Existing Products > Product CSV File:
A merchant uploads a CSV file as shown above to update the country shipping prices for product with Parent Unique ID AAAAA. After the CSV file successfully processes, the product’s country shipping price for CA (Canada) is $2.99, and $3.99 for AU (Australia). For all other countries that do not have a country shipping price set already at that time, this product’s shipping price is $1.99 (the product’s “Default Shipping Price”).
Example 2 - “Default Shipping Price” is applied to new countries:
A product has international shipping prices set as US=$3, CA=$4. “Default Shipping Price” of the product is set to $6. Then, if the merchant adds a new country FR in the Shipping Settings page and chooses “Use Product Shipping Price”, the country shipping price for this product to FR will be set to $6.
I set the Default Shipping Price and it applied to certain countries. If I update the Default Shipping Price again, will the new change be applied to those countries?
No. When updating or setting “Default Shipping Price,” the “Default Shipping Price” will only be applied as the shipping price for new or unset countries for the product. Once the shipping price is set for a country, the “Default Shipping Price” will not be applied to the country.
For example, for a product, the country shipping price for FR previously was set to “Use Variation Shipping Price.” Then, the merchant sets “Default Shipping Price” for the product to $5, which is applied to the country shipping price for FR. Now, this product has a country shipping price of $5 for FR. If the merchant then updates “Default Shipping Price” to $10 for the product, the country shipping price of FR will remain $5 because the product already has a country shipping for FR and therefore, FR is not considered a new or unset country for the product.
How does Local Currency effect Default Shipping Price?
The localized shipping price can be set in the same way the USD ($) Default Shipping Price is set.
If a product listing has any new or unset country shipping prices, the product’s Localized Currency “Default Shipping Price” will automatically apply as the localized shipping price for those new or unset countries.
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