Wish closely monitors the Qualified Shipping Carrier list. Merchants are advised to select the appropriate and qualified shipping carriers and service levels when fulfilling orders. Merchant stores detected to violate these shipping policies will be subject to infractions (see the WishPost shipping policy).
Through WishPost, merchants will have the opportunity to select high performing shipping services for all Wish orders originating from Mainland China. This will result in better logistics, positive customer experiences, and overall merchant success on the Wish Platform.
If you have questions on how to better use WishPost, please contact your Account Manager located on the Merchant Dashboard homepage.
Orders originating from outside of Mainland China can continue to be shipped with Qualified Shipping Carriers as seen here (see below for additional carrier requirements applicable to certain orders removed from the Advanced Logistics Program by merchants and shipped from warehouses outside of Mainland China).
A related case also outlined in the WishPost shipping policy is that merchants may remove certain orders from the Advanced Logistics Program and ship these orders from warehouses outside of Mainland China to ensure faster delivery time. These types of orders should be fulfilled with a Confirmed Delivery Carrier. As such, merchants must also comply with the confirmed delivery timeline requirements outlined in Confirmed Delivery Policy and Refund Policy for these orders.
Currently, only Finland- and United States-bound Advanced Logistics Program orders can be removed from the program and shipped from warehouses outside of Mainland China.
In addition, merchants may also remove the United States-bound Advanced Logistics Program orders from the program for qualified reasons other than “Shipping from outside of Mainland China.” Because these orders are still shipped from Mainland China, they must be fulfilled with WishPost. However, merchants may choose the appropriate WishPost logistics channels based on whether the removed order is subject to the Confirmed Delivery Policy or not. Specifically,
- If the order is subject to the Confirmed Delivery Policy, merchants must fulfill the order with WishPost and select an appropriate WishPost logistics channel and service level that provide last-mile tracking (i.e., delivery confirmation);
- If the order is not subject to the Confirmed Delivery Policy, merchants may fulfill the orders with any WishPost logistics channel of their choice.
For more information about Finland-bound and United States-bound order removal from the Advanced Logistics Program, please visit Advanced Logistics Program for Finland-Bound Orders Overview and Advanced Logistics Program for United States-bound Orders Overview, respectively.
Note that order removal found to be based on non-qualified reasons may be subject to payment withholding and/or possible suspension. For example,
- If merchants remove an order from the program and claim the removal reason as “Shipping from outside of Mainland China," but it is later found that this order is actually shipped from a warehouse within China, then merchants risk infraction.
- If merchants remove an order from the program, select “Other” as the removal reason, but leave invalid or gibberish notes in the “Comment” section, merchants risk infraction.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What happens if I do not ship using WishPost when shipping from Mainland China?
Merchant stores detected to violate WishPost shipping policy will be subject to payment withholding and/or possible suspension.
2. What if my orders originate from outside of Mainland China?
Orders that originate from outside of Mainland China can be shipped using carriers from our Qualified Shipping Carrier list.
Additional carrier requirement applies to certain orders removed from the Advanced Logistics Program by merchants and shipped from warehouses outside of Mainland China. As covered in WishPost shipping policy, such orders must be fulfilled with a Confirmed Delivery Carrier. As such, merchants must also comply with the confirmed delivery timeline requirements outlined in the Confirmed Delivery Policy and Refund Policy for these orders.
3. Can I use WishPost-EUB channel to ship non-Wish orders?
No. WishPost-EUB channel is for shipping Wish orders only. Again, WishPost is designed to help merchants select high performing shipping services for their Wish orders, leading to better logistics, positive customer experience, and overall merchant success on the Wish Platform. Shipping non-Wish orders via WishPost-EUB channel is strictly prohibited.
We strongly suggest that merchants comply with all Wish and WishPost terms and policies for WishPost to best support their logistics efforts on Wish.
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