You may make the following edits to your ProductBoost campaigns that have a “Running” or “Scheduled” status:
- End date
- Set an earlier or later date for the campaign to end.
- Note: An individual campaign may still only run for up to four weeks.
- Note: Evergreen renewal campaigns cannot change the end date.
- Optional Keywords
- Add or remove keywords for individual products in the campaign.
- Budget
- Increase Budget for the campaign.
Here’s how to make edits to your Running/Scheduled ProductBoost campaigns:
Step 1. Navigate to the ProductBoost > “List All Campaigns” page
Step 2. For your Running/Scheduled ProductBoost campaign, click the “Edit” link under “Action”
Step 3. To edit the campaign’s End Date, select the new End Date in the “Campaign basics” section
Find out more on "Auto Renew" FAQ.
Step 4. For your selected products, you can set up optional keywords so that your products can be shown to as many targeted potential customers as possible.
Optional Keyword is a feature of ProductBoost, where participating merchants can set up custom keywords for their campaigns. If you use the optional keyword, our machine learning algorithm and your own keywords will work together to determine the best places to show your products.
Step 5. To edit the campaign’s Budget, enter a higher Budget in the “Amount for this promotion” section. The new Budget must be higher than the original campaign Budget.
Find out more Add Budget regularly FAQ.
Step 6. After making the appropriate edits to your Running/Scheduled ProductBoost campaign, click “Save campaign” to confirm and save the changes.
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